Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655. 253
Esqre Brother to the said Lord Baltamore, by the late King att
Oxford in the yeare 1643. It is this day ordered by this Com-
mittee that Mr Attorney Generall and Mr Doctor Walker be
desired on the behalfe of the State to take into their considera-
tion the validity and invalidity of the originall Graunt made by
the said late King in the 8th yeare of his Raigne to Cicill Lord
Baltamore of a Tract of land in America called by the name of
Maryland, and that this day fortnight be appointed for the
heareing of the same att this Committee att three of the Clock
in the afternoone att which tyme Mr Attorney Generall and Dr
Walker be desired to be heare and that all partyes and wit-
nesses concerned therein are to have notice to attend accord-
[Confirmation of Lands.]
P. R. O.
By the Leivetenant &c of Maryland
Liber A.
p. 323
Procl published
17 April 1650
Whereas by 2 severall Proclamacons the first
bearing date the 13th day of Aprill Anno dni
1649 and the other the 30th of October last & published
within this Province ffor the reasons therein expressed It was
on the behalfe of the right hoble the Lo: Propry of this Province
and by his direccon declared That it was his Lopps will &
pleasure, that all such persons in the said Proclamacons men-
coned that prtended any right to any lands wch haue beene due
vnto them or any of them within this Province by vertue of
any Condicons of Plantacon or any other Warrt vnder his Lopps
hand & Seale at any time before the 17th of March 1648,
for wch noe Grants vnder his Lopps Great Seale here were
passed vnto them should by the times limited in the said
severall Proclamacons come & make theire right appear vnto
his Lopps Leivetenant of this Province or to such deputy as hee
should ordeine & appoint in case of his absence or death for
the Governt of this Province vnder his Lopp, wch they prtended
to any such lands and after survey thereof and before the said
times limitted demand Grants for the same vnder his Lopps
newe Great Seale of this Province And therevppon they should
haue Grants speedily passed to them according to Justice. As
by the said Proclamacons remayning vppon record with the
Secretary of this Province more at larg (amongst other things)
it doth & may appeare. Nowe for that I am informed that
divers persons both here and in Virginia and else where who
haue land due to them by vertue of former Condicons vppon
prtence of not having notice of the said former Proclamacons
haue not yet taken vpp the same To the end therefore that
noe man may for the future iustly prtend ignorance or
other excuse for theire neglect herein I haue againe thought