250 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655.
P. R. O.
formerly summoned to appeare by order of this Committee doe
then give their attendance between three and fower of the Clock
in the afternoone att this Committee.
By Command of the Committee
Exr Rob: Coytmore, Secretary.
Die Lunae 25o Februar 1649.
At the Committee &c.
Maryland business
deferred till Fryday next.
Whereas the business of Maryland
depending before this Committee be-
tween Captain Richard Ingle and the Lord Baltamore was
appointed to be heard this day; It is ordered that (by reason
of other speciall occasions not permitting this Committee to
heare the same at this tyme) it be deferred till Fryday next,
Att which time the partyes and wittnesses appointed by former
orders to be summoned to appeare doe then attend this Com-
mittee between three and four of the Clock in the afternoone.
present Sir Hen: Vane
Dennis Bond.
Die Veneris primo Martii—1649.
Maryland Dr Walker to
manage it on the behalfe
of the State
Upon hearing the Charg read att this
Committee given in by Captain Rich: Ingle
against the Lord Baltamore concerning
the said Lord Baltimore's misdeemeanors in his Government
of Maryland, and finding the said Captain Ingle unprovided to
prove the same. It is ordered that Dr Walker Advocate for
the State, and Mr David Budd their Proctor be desired to
examine the papers of Captaine Ingle who are likewise desired
to attend this Committee on Fryday next to state the business
and to mannage the same on the behalfe of the State, att which
tyme the business is to be heard, And in the meane tyme the
witnesses and partyes concerned therein are to attend this
Committee accordingly
Liber C. B.
p. 230
Captain Mitchell of the Council
Cecilius &ca to our right trusty and Well Beloved William
Stone Esqr our Lieutenant of the said Province of Maryland
and to the rest of our Privy Council and other Officers there
and to all others whom it may Concern Greeting whereas our
trusty and well Beloved William Mitchell Esqr doth the next
Summers expedition intend to transport himself and family and