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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
Volume 3, Page 248   View pdf image (33K)
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248 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1648-1655.

P. R. O.

Vol. 146.

that Captain Leverett, Mr Edward Winslow, Mr Richard Alien
Mr Anthony Pemmiston, Mr Charles Cawley, and Mr Perham
doe give their attendance att this Committee att that tyme.
By command of the Committee
Exr Rob: Coytmore. Secretary.

Die Mercurij 6o Februar: 1649
At the Committee &c.

Maryland. This day being appointed for the heareing of the
businesse of Maryland betweene Capt: Ingle and the Lord
Baltamore is by reason of other speciall occasions not permitting
this Committee to sitt to heare the same, Deferred and Ordered
that to morrow come seavennight bee appointed for hearing
the same and that the parties concerned therein doe give their
attendance att this Committee att that tyme
Sir Hen: Vane
Coll: Purefoy.

Die Mercurij 13o Februar: 1649.

At the Committee &c.
Maryland That the businesse of Maryland between Capt: Ingle
and the Lord Baltamore appointed to be heard att this Committee
to morrow be by reasone of other speciall occasions deferred
till to morrow come Seavennight, and that the parties and
witnesses concerned therein doe then give their attendance
between three and foure of the Clock in the afternoone att this
Committee &c.

Sir Hen: Vane

Coll. Purefoy.

Vol. 92, p. 7.

Orders of the Councell of State
Die Martis 19o February 1649. ( — 50)

That the remonstrance of Captaine Ingle concerning two
shipps goeing to Virginia be referred to the Consideration of
the Committee for the Admiraltie who are to examine the fact
and report to the Councell and in the meane tyme if they see
cause to make stay of the shipps.

Liber A.
p. 325

By the Lt &c of Maryland

Procl published eod

Whereas I haue heretofore by a note vnder

my hand appointed Mr Richard Husbands Marriner Admirall
or Vice Admirall vnder mee of this Province I doe hereby in


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1667
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