therein exprssed It was on the behaulf of the right hoble the Lo:
Propry of this Province and by his direccon declared That it was
his Lopps will & pleasure that all such persons then resident
within this Province or in the Collony of Virginia that prtended
any right to any lands wch haue beene due vnto them or any of
them within this Province by vertue of any Condicons of Plan-
tacon or other warrt vnder his Lopps hand & Seale at any time
before the 17th day of March last past, for wch noe Grants vnder
his Lopps great Seale here, were passed vnto them should some
time before the first day of November next come and make
theire right appeare vnto his Lopps Leivetenant of this Province
or to such deputy as hee should ordeyne & appoint (In case of
his absence or death) for the Govermt of this Province vnder
his Lopp, wch they prtended to any such lands, and after survey
thereof and before the said first day of Novembr next demand
Grants for the same vnder his Lopps newe Great Seale of this
Province And therevppon they should haue Grants speedily
passed to them according to Justice As by the said Proclamacon
remayning vppon record with the Secretary of this Province
more at large amongst other things it doth & may appeare
Nowe forasmuch as I am credibly informed that divers of the
Inhabitants of this Province who haue land due to them by
vertue of former Condicons could not attend the survey thereof
by the time limitted in the said Proclamacon without great
damage to bee by them incurred by leaving theire Cropps in
the meane time, wch must necessarily haue beene very priudiciall
both to themselues and to the comon wealth Vppon consideracon
whereof I haue thought fitt and doe hereby declare that all &
every such person & psons who haue yet any land due to them
or any of them by vertue of any former Condicons or warrt in
the said Proclamacon menconed and for wch noe Grants vnder
his Lopps great Seale here are yet passed shall haue further
time till the 25th day of March next after the date hereof to
make theire right appeare and demand Grants as by the said
Proclamacon is directed Given at St Maries this 30th day of
October Anno dm 1649
Tho: Greene.
Liber A.
By the Governor of Maryland 1649
Prod published eod Whereas Charles of blessed memory King
of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the faith
&c is lately deceased These are to give notice to all persons
whom it may concerne, and in especiall to all and singular the
Inhabitants of this Province of Maryland, that his eldest sonne
Charles the most renowned Prince of Wales the vndoubted
rightfull heire to all his ffathers dominions is hereby pclaymed
p. 324