Commission to you for the Government of the said Province
authorised to Grant any Lands to any Adventurer or Planter
of British or Irish discent within our said Province Provided
always the Demesnes of no Manner within our said Province
which already is or hereafter shall be set out and appointed for
our own particular use nor any part of our Manner of West
Saint Marys lying upon or near Saint Georges River in our
said Province nor any other Land within our said Province
which hath been or shall be Granted to any other Person
or Persons from us and is or shall be Confiscated or escheated
again to us or our heirs shall be alienated or Granted from us
or our heirs without further and special warrant for the same
to be hereafter Obtained under the hand and seal at Arms of
us and our heirs any thing herein to the Contrary in any wise
notwithstanding Given at London under our hand and Greater
seal at Arms the second day of Iuly in the Year of our Lord
God 1649
Conditions propounded by the Right Honble Cecilius
Lord Baron of Baltimore Lord and Propy of the Pro-
vince of Maryland to such Persons as shall go to Plant
in the Province aforesaid which Conditions are to Con-
tinue in force till other Conditions of Plantation for the
said Province shall be published under his Lordships or
his heirs hand and Seal at Arms within the said Pro-
Imprimis what Person soever being of British or Irish discent
(except hereafter excepted) shall at his own or Friends Charges
Cause to be transported into the Province of Maryland from