By the Leivetenant &c of Maryland 1649
Proci published eod Whereas the right hoble the Lord Pro-
prietary of this Province is given to vnderstand that divers
Adventurers or Planters haue for a long time for borne
neglected or refused to take Grants from his Lopp of all
such lands within this Province as haue beene or are
due vnto them from time to time by vertue of severall
Condicons of Plantacon heretofore propounded by his Lopp
(contrary to the true intent and meaning of the said Con-
dicons) though some of the said lands haue beene due to
some of the said Adventurers or Planters by the space of
divers yeares past, wch course can pduce noe good effects to
any such Adventurers or Planters or to his Lopp, but must
needes in pces of time make such Adventurers rights &
prtences to land there very doubtfull, begetting nothing els but
difficulties and confusions, and his Lopp thereby also receives
great priudice in the non paymts of such Rents for a long time
wch are due and payable vnto him from such Adventurers or
Planters if they had or did take Grants of all such lands due
vnto them in convenient time as they ought to haue done And
whereas there may bee divers that would but could not haue
any Grants passed to them for any lands due vnto them since
ffebruary 1644. about wch time his Lopps Great Seale of this
Province was violently taken from hence, and noe other here
since till nowe that his Lopp hath sent a newe Great Seale
hither His Lopp therefore doth declare that it is his will &
pleasure that all such persons nowe resident within this Pro-
vince or within the Collony of Virginia that prtend any right
to any lands wch haue beene due vnto him her or them within
this Province by vertue of any Condicons of Plantacon or any
other Warrant vnder his Lopps hand & Seale at any time be-
fore the 17th day of March last past for wch noe Grants vnder
his Lopps Create Seale here are passed vnto them shall some