ceeding in damage or demands the Value of ten pounds Ster-
ling as also to hear and finally to determine all matters and
Offences whatsoever Criminall happening and Committed
within the said Island which may be heard and determined by
any lustice of the peace in England in their Courts of Session
not extending to Life or Member and we do further Authorise
you to do use and execute all and all manner of Jurisdiction
and Authority whatsoever for the Conservation of the Peace
within the said Island as any Justice of Peace in England may
or ought to do by Virtue of his Commission for the Peace &
further to elect and appoint all necessary Officers for the exe-
cution of Justice and Conservation of the peace there with
Allowance of such fees as are usually belonging to the same
or the like Officers in Virginia and to do all other things and
Acts which shall be necessary for the execution of the Power
and Jurisdiction hereby Committed unto you Given under our
hand and Greater Seal at Arms at Bath the 12th day of August
in the 17th Year of our Dominion over the said Province of
Maryland Annoq Dni 1648
Commission for Secretary in
Cecilius Absolute Lord and Proprietor &ca Know yee that
we reposing special trust and Confidence in the Wisdom dili-
gence and fidelity of our trusty and well Beloved Thomas
Hatton Gent have Constituted appointed and Ordained and