the whole Scutcheon being Supported with a Fisherman on the
one Side and a Plowman on the other standing upon a Scrowl
wherein is engraven the motto of our Paternal Court of Arms
vizt ffatti Maschij Parole Femine next above the Scutcheon is
engraven a Count Palatines Cap and over that a Helmet with
the Crest of our Paternal Court of Arms on the Top of it which
Crest is a Ducal Crown with two half Bannerets set upright in
it Behind the said Scutcheon and Supporters is engraven a large
mantle and this inscription is about that side of the Seal vizt
Scuto bonse Voluntatis tuae Coronasti nos the figure of the
Seal is round and it is of the same Bigness that our said former
Great Seal was and cut in Silver as the other was the impression
of all which in wax is hereunto affixed it being somewhat differ-
ent (though but little) from our said former Great Seal of the
said Province and we do hereby declare the said new Seal to
be from henceforwards our Great Seal of the said Province of
Maryland and that we will have it so to be esteemed and reputed
there till we or our heirs shall signify our or their Pleasure to
the Contrary Given at Bath under our hand and our said new
Great Seal of the said Province the 12th day of August in the
17th Year of our Dominion over the said Prove of Maryland
Annoq Dni 1648
Commission for Muster Master
Cecilius Lord Proprietor &ca to our trusty and well Beloved
Iohn Price we Considering that Arms without the knowledge