Settlement of Maryland, 1629-1637. 21
Minutes of the Council for New England.
6. November 1632.
Touching a new Pattent it was agreed that a Copy should
be taken of the Lord Baltimore's late Patent of Delaware Bay
in Virginia and that the same shall be delivered unto Sir Henry
Spelman for the better enabling of him to prepaire the New
Colonial Pa-
pers. Vol.
VI, No. 29.
Order of the Lords Commrs for Foreign Plantation.
3 July 1633.
At the Starre Chamber the thirde of July 1633.
Colonial Pa-
pers. Vol.
VI, No. 76.
Lord Keeper
Lo: Privy Scale
Lo: High Chamberlain
Earl of Dorset
Earl of Bridgewater
Earl of Danby
Lord Visct Wentworth
Lord Visct Falkland
Lord Cottington
Mr Secry Windebanck.
Whereas an humble Petition of the Planters in Virginia was
presented to his Majesty, in which they remonstrate that some
Grants have lately been obteined of a great proportion of Lands
and Territorys within the lymitts of the Colonie there being the
places of their Traffique, and so near to their habitations, as will
give a generall disheartning to the Planters if they be divided
into severall Governments, and a Barre to that Trade, which
they have long exercised towards their Supportation and reliefe
under the confidence of his Majesty's royall and gracious in-
tentions towards them, as by the said Petition more largely
appeareth; for as much as his Majesty was pleased on the
twelveth of May last to refer to the Boarde the consideration
of this Petition, that upon the advice and report of their Lord-
shipps, such order might be taken, as to his Majesty's wisdom
should seeme best. It was thereupon ordered on the 4th of
June last, that the Business should be heard the seconde Friday
in this Terme, which was the 28th of the last Month, and that
all parties interested should then attend, which was accordingly
performed, and their Lordshipps having heard the Cause, did
then order that the Lord Baltimore being one of the parties,
and the Adventurers and Planters of Virginia aforesaid should
meet together between that tyme and this day and accommo-
date their controversy in friendly manner if it might be, and
likewise sett downe in wryting the propositions made by either
partie, with their severall answers and reasons, to be presented