Liber A.
p. 223
By the Gour & Grall of Mary-Land.
Locus + Sigilli Whereas a Proclamaon was sent up to the
Inhabts of the Ile of Kent (bearing date att St msries iith
Nouembr) to suspend & reuoake all power & authority of
Command uppon the sd Ile of Kent from Capt Robt Vaughan
Comder of the sd ILand. Wherein allso the Inhabts uppon the
sd Ile were acquitted & discharged from their Obedience dew
unto him, by uertue of his Command, untill they should bee
thereunto againe requyred by speciall Commisrs from the Gour
of this prouince for the time being. Wch sd Proclamaon as I am
gyuen to understand hath beene published according to my
order vppon the sd Iland. And now since finding it needfull
& conuenient to continue the sd suspension no longer uppon
the sd Iland. I doe hereby giue notice to all prsons whom it
may concerne, That I doe againe nominate & appoynt him the
sd Capt Robt Vaughan to bee cheife Capt & Comder of the sd
He of Kent, under mee his Lps Gour And to exercise all
power & authority uppon the sd Iland according to his former
Commisn graunted unto him from Leonard Caluert Esqr late
Gour bearing date att Kent 18th Aprill 1647o And doe againe
hereby requyre the Obedience of all poeple, uppon the sd Iland
to the Command of him the sd Capt Robt Vaughan, as fully &
absolutely, as if noe such reuocaon or suspension had bene
made of his Command as afore. And further, for speciall
reasons me thereunto mouing, I doe hereby suspend all power
& authority from all the Assistants or Commisrs ioyned wth the
sd Capt Robt Vaughan in the foresd Commisn (Mr Phillip Con-
ner only excepted) & in their roomes doe constitute & ap-
poynt, Mr Nicolas Browne to bee Assistant or Commisr
Authorizing them the sd Capt Robt Vaughan, Mr Phillip Con-
ner, & Mr Nicolas Browne to heare & determine all Causes
uppon the sd Iland according to the Commisn afore mentioned.
Requyring all the Inhabts aforesd to acknowledge & obey the
sd Capt Robt Vaughan, Mr Phillip Conner, & Mr Nicolas
Browne in the seuerall commands & authorities thereby com-
mitted to them, as they will answere the contrary att their
perills. Gyuen att St maries this iith Decembr 1648.
Thomas Greene