House of
p. 162
4 March 1646
Lo Baltimore
To the right Honoble the Lords in Parliamt assembled
The humble peticon of Cicill Lord Baltemore.
That whereas there is an ordinance dependinge in this
howse for repealinge of his Pattent of Maryland, vpon wch
place hee hath ingaged the greatest parte of his fortune. That
as hee hath heard and supposes, it is for some accons ptended
to bee done by others vnder him there, but hee doth not yet
knowe the pticulars of the chardge intended to bee layd
against him, nor whoe are his accusers. That betweene March
and June next there is expected as is yearely vsuall a returns
of Shipps from those parts, by some of wch Shipps hee expects
some persons to returne, whose testimonies may bee necessary
for his Iustificacon.
Wherefore hee humbly prayes that this honoble howse
wilbee pleased to order, that hee may haue the pticu-
lars of his chardge delivred to him in writinge, and that
hee may haue a convenient tyme afterwards giuen him
to prepare for his defence in a busines woh soe neerely
concernes his inheritance, and that the ordinance may
in the meane tyme bee suspended till hee bee heard.
And yor petr shall pray &c
C. Baltemore.