according to the instructions from your Lordshipps and the
usuall course held in this place wee tendered the oathes of
Supremacie and Aleidgance to his Lordshipp and some of his
followers, who making profession of the Romishe Religion,
utterly refused to take the same, a thing which wee could
not have doubted in him, whose former employments under
his late Majestic might have indeared to us a persuasion, he
would not have made denyall of that, in poynt whereof
consisteth the loyaltie and fidelitie, which every true subjecte
oweth unto his Soveraigne. His Lordshipp then offered to
take this oath a coppy whereof is included but in true discharge
of the trust imposed in us by his Majestic wee could not imagine
that so much latitude was left for us to decline from the pre-
scribed forme, soe strictly exacted and soe well justefied and
defended by the pen of our late Soveraigne Lord King James
of happy memory, and amonge the many blessinges and favores
for which wee are bound to bless God and which this Colony
hath receaved, from his most gracious Majesty, there is none
whereby it hath beene made more happy then in the freedom
of our Religion which we have enjoyed, and that noe papists
have beene suffered to settle their abode amongst us, the
Continuance whereof wee most humbly implore from his most
sacred Majestic and earnestly beseech your Lordshipps that by
your mediations and Councells the same may bee established
and confirmed unto us, and wee as our Duty is with the whole
Colony shall allwaies pray for his Majesty's long life and eternal
security from whose royall hands this Plantation must expect
her establishment and for whose honor God hath reserved soe
glorious a worke as the perfection thereof.
Wee humbly take our leave
Your Lordshipps very humble servants
John Pott
Sam. Mathews
Roger Smith
W. Claybourne.
The 30th November 1629.
Colonial Pa-
pers. Vol.V
No. 40.
Considerations upon the Patent to the Lord Baltimore
dat: 20. Junij. Octavo. Car. [1632.]
Matter of Law.
I. Because the matter of the Petition of the Patentee men-
tioned to be the motive and the cause of the Warrant is (viz :)
that the Region thereby granted was then inhabited and
possessed of the Barbarous Heathen or Sauages.
Colonial Pa-
pers. Vol.
VI, No. 58.