Die Jouis, 25to Decembr: 1645.
Ordered by the Lords in Parlyament assembled, That the
Comittee for forraigne Plantations, doe drawe vp an Ordinance,
and present it to this howse, for the selling of the Plantation of
Maryland vnder the Comand of Protestants, and for the indemp-
nity of those that haue or shall act in this bussines.
John Browne Cleric:
House of
24 ffebr 1645
Rich. Ingle
To the Right honoble the Lords nowe in Parlyament assembled.
The humble Peticon of Richard Ingle
That whereas the Peticoner having taken the Covenant and
going out with Lres of Marque as Capt of the ship the Refor-
macon of London and sayling to Maryland where findinge the
Governor of that Province to haue receiued a Comission from
Oxford to seize vppon all ships and goods belonginge to Lon-
don, and to execute a Tyrannicall power against the Protestants,
and such as adhered to the Parlyament and to presse wicked
Oathes vppon them and to endeauor their Extirpation. The
Peticoner conceiving himselfe not only by his Covenant, but in
his fidelity fo the Parlyament to bee Conscientiously obliged to
come into their assistance, did venter his life and fortunes in
landing his Men, and assisting the said well affected Protes-
tants, against the said Tyrannicall Governor and the Papists
and Malignants his Adherents and had seueral bickerings with
them, and it pleased God to enable him to take divers places
from them and to make him a supporte to the said well affected.
But since his Retorne into England the said Papists and
Malignants conspiring togeather haue brought fictitious Actions
against him att the Comon Lawe in the name of Thomas Corn-
wallis and others for pretended Trespasses, in taking away their
goods, in the pishe of St Cristophers London and then recite
the perticulers, which are the very goods, that were by force of
warr iustly and lawfully taken from those wicked Papists and
Malignants in Maryland, and with which hee releiued the poore
distressed Protestants there, whoe otherwise must haue starued
and bin rooted out.
Nowe forasmuch as yor Lops in point of State, by the Order
annexed were pleased to directe an Ordinance to bee framed
for the selling of the said Province of Maryland, vnder the
Comand of Proleslants and for the indemnity of the Actors in it
And for that such false and feyned accons for matters of warr,
acted in fforreigne parts, are not by Lawe tryable att the Comon
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