Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1636-1647. 139
vnderstanding, such as may make him capable and vsefull in
advising with vpon the most important affaires of that place. I
have therefore thought fitt (by my said brothers advise) and I
doe hereby nominate & appoint the said Thomas Gerard to be
one of my Counsell within the said Province. And I doe
hereby authorise will and require you forthwith vpon the
receipt hereof, to sweare the said Thomas Gerard one of my
Counsell there, according to the vsuall manner; and that he
have all such advantages priviledges & preeminences allowed
vnto him as others of my Counsell there by vertue of that
dignity doe or of right ought to enioy ffor doing whereof this
shalbe yor warrant. Given vnder my hand & scale at armes
at Bristoll the 17th novemb 1643 C. Baltemore
To Giles Brent Esq my Lieutent
Generall of my pvince of Maryland./.
Liber P. R.
[Powers to Giles Brent.]
locus + sigilli Mr Brent
whereas not long since when I did conceive that my brother
Leonard Calvert would have dispatched his affaires here so as
he might have returned into Maryland againe this yeare, I did
for divers reasons by a dispatch which I then sent vnto you
restraine yor power of assenting vnto any Lawes in my name,
& of granting any lands from me in that Province, I have now
vpon confidence of your integrity & fidelity to me thought fitt
& I doe hereby give you full power & authority to assent from
time to time in my name to any Law wch at any grall Assembly
of the ffreemen of that Province shalbe thought fitt by you to
be enacted there, in as ample maner as my said brother had
power from me to doe the same while he was Leiutent Generall
there & no otherwise that is to say, & my true meaning is
hereby to give you power to make every such law so to be
assented to by you in my name to be in force within the said
Province till I or my heires shall signifie our ur their dissassent
therevnto vnder or or their hands & seales or otherwise within
the said Province & no longer. And I doe also give you the
p. 153
same power & authority during yor govermt there vnder me,
or vntill I or my heires shall signifie our or their pleasure to
the contrary, to grant lands from time to time in my name
within the said Province vnder my great Seale there vnto any
Adventurors or planters there & vpon the same termes &
conditions as my said brother had power from me to doe at
the time of his transmitting & intrusting of the govermt of that
Province vnto you for all wch this shalbe yor sufficient war-
rant. Given vnder my hand & scale at armes at Bristoll the
eighteenth day of Novemb anno dni 1643
C. Baltemore.
p. 154