Liber P. R.
the said Giles Brent vnder my great Seale for the said Province:
and doe hereby require him the said Giles Brent not to grant
any accordingly without further order therin vnder mine or my
heires hand & seale, any thing conteined in the Commission
above mentioned dated the 18. novemb 1641. or in any other
commission whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwith-
standing. And whereas my said brother together wth my
Secretary & Survayor grall there, did lately purchase (as I am
informed) in my name & to my vse, the chappell of St Maries,
and the other buildings & land belonging thervnto, for the dis-
charge of the price wherof my said brother together wth my
Secretary & Surveyor did (as I am informed) signe to three
bills of exchange directed vnto me, all to one & the same effect
for the paymt of two hundred pounds sterling in England to
Capt Tho: Cornwaleys or his assignes (whose name it seemes
was thought fitt to be vsed in that busines, althoughe the said
purchase was not made from him) the wch bills by reason of
some mistakes in that busines I have thought fitt not to accept,
whervpon (as I vnderstand) one or more of them are protested
according to the vsuall manner in such cases; And whereas
also (as I am informed) two other bills of exchange signed by
the said Capt Tho. Cornwaleys & directed to one mr Thomas
Gerard, & mr Edward Harris, or to one or both of them, for
the payment the one of thirty pounds sterling, & the other of
ten pounds sterling to my said brother, wch bills are also (as I
am informed) not accepted but protested also in the same
manner as the other above mentioned; whervpon some direc-
tions may phaps respectively be sent thether to recover a satis-
faction of all the said bills to the respective pretenders thervnto,
together wth costs & damages: But because for divers reasons
true & right iustice cannot be done therin without some advises
& testimonies from hence, wch cannot yet be had; Therefore
I thought fitt, & doe hereby restraine the power of the said
Giles Brent or any other pson by authority derived from him,
to grant processe, or take cognisance of any suit or complaint
whatsoever concerning all or any of the afore said bills of ex-
change, or to give or pronounce any iudgmt therin, any thing
conteined within the above mentioned or any other Commission
to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding : but to suspend
any proceedings therin till my arrivall there, when I shall not
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faile to doe vnto every pson sequall right & iustice therin.
And doe therefore hereby require the said Giles Brent & all
others whom it may concerne to obey my order herein, as they
will answere the contrary at their vtmost perills. And I doe
hereby require the said Giles Brent and my Secretary there,
or one of them, to cause this my declaraon with all convenient
speed after their or either of their receipt hereof to be recorded