[Oath of Deputy Lieutenant General.]
15. The Secretary administred the oath of Lieutent grall to
Giles Brent Esq, in these words, [you sweare that you wilbe
true & faithfull to the right hoble Cecilius Lord & Proprietary
of this Province of Maryland, and that you will defend & mein-
teine to the vttermost of yor power, all his iust rights interests
royall iurisdiction and seigniory, in, to, and over the said Pro-
vince, and the Hands thervnto belonging, and you will faithfully
serve him as his Leiutent of the said Province, & in all other
offices committed to yor charge: you will doe sequall right &
Justice to the poore & to the rich within the said Province,
after yor cunning, witt, & power, according to the lawes of the
said pvince, you shall delay or deny to no man right & iustice,
you shall not know of any attempt agst his Lops right and
dominion in to and over the said Province & the people therin,
but you shall resist & oppose it to the vtmost of yor power and
make the same knowen wth convenient speed to his Lop and
you shall in all things faithfully counsell & advise his Lop ac-
cording to yor heart & conscience. So helpe you God &c.]
Eod: James Neale had the oath of a Counsellr of State,
administred to him by the said Giles Brent, according to the
forme of a Bill drawen vp in Assembly 15. March 1638. En-
tituled [An Act for severall oathes &c.]
Liber P. R.
[Appointment of Councillors.]
Aprill 15. Cecilius Lord & Propr[ietr of the] Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon in the parts of America, Lord Baron of
Baltemore &c. To or deare brother Leonard Calvert Esq or
Leiutent of or said Province of maryland, and to or trusty and
welbeloved Colonell ffrancis Trafford Esq John Lewger Esq
william Blount Esq Giles Brent Esq, John Langford Esq and
James Neale Esq greeting. Know ye that we reposing especiall
trust & confidence in yor wisedomes diligence & experience,
have assigned & appointed you iointly & every of you severally
to be of or Privie Counsell within or said Province of maryland
&c. vt supra in Commission of Counsell; pag: 33. Given on
the ffeast of the Annunciaon of or B. Lady anno 1643
p. 95