the parts about Pautuxent river, that should be mett either
vpon the land or water on this side the neck betweene the
back river of Pautuxent and the maine river towards nicolas
herveyes with certaine exceptions therin mentioned, now I
doe hereby vpon some reason & Accidents since hapning
vtterly repeal & reverse the said proclamaon, and straitly pro-
hibite vpon paine of death that that no English within the
County of St maries or any other pt of the Prov: doe kill or
shoot any Indian whatsoever (other then such as he shall know
to be sesquihanowes or wicomeses) vnles first assaulted or putt
in bodily feare of his life by the Indian And whereas by one
other pclamaon dated the 13th Sept: last the Nantacoque
Indians were declared to be enemies of the Province, I revoke
likewise hereby the said declaration, and doe publish & declare
that there is a treaty of peace betwixt me and them, and a
truce of 6. weeks agreed vpon for the finishing of the treaty,
and herevpon have taken them into his Lops peace for the time
aforesaid. But for the better securing of all the English inhab-
itants of this Province from all harme that may happen vnto
them throughe the treachery & falsehood of any Indians I doe
straitly forbid all the said English to enterteine or harbour in
their houses any Indians whatsoever without speciall licence or
appointmt from me, & vpon any Indians refusall to depart
vpon necessary demand given, to expell them by violence, but
not to die killing them vnles they shall assault the life of the
English. Given at St maries this 26. of January 1642.
Liber P. R.
By the Leiutent Grall
Eod: Whereas the Lord Proprietary is given to vnderstand
that divers Adventurers into this Prov. have a long time for-
borne to take grants from his Lop of lands due to them by
conditions of plantation, or speciall warrant contrary to the true
intent & meaning of the said conditions, & warrants wch course
must needs in processe of time make such adventurers rights
& pretences to land very doubtfull; and his Lop thereby also
receives great prejudice in his rents; It is his Lops pleasure that
all persons pretending any right vnto any lands within this
Province by vertue of any former Conditions of plantation, or
speciall warrant, shall within twelve monethes from & after the
date hereof, come & make appeare vnto me their right so pre-
p. 88