vnto & approved of by the ffreemen or their deputies or the
maior part of them as aforesaid we doe hereby declare shalbe
in force within the said Province till wee or our heires shall
signifie our or their dissassent thervnto vnder or or their hand
and scale & no longer, vnlesse after the transmission therof
vnto vs or or heires & due consideration had therevpon we or
or heires shall think fitt to confirme the same vnder or or their
hand and scale.
And we doe by these pnts grant full power & authority vnto
or said Lieutent to adiorn prorogue or dissolve all & every
such assembly and assemblies by him heretofore called or here-
after to be called at his pleasure.
And forasmuch as the calling of a grall Assembly of the said
ffreemen and the consulting about & enacting of Lawes will
require long time & much consultation, and many times sodaine
& other necessary occasions may happen or fall out wch require
a speedy remedie, we doe therefore hereby grant vnto him or
said Lieutent full power & authority from time to time to make
constitute ordeine & publish in or name such reasonable &
profitable edicts & proclamations within or said Province of
Maryland with reasonable paines & penalties therin to be ex-
pressed to be duely inflicted on all offenders agstthe same as
he or said Lieutent in his discretion shall think fitt: and as by
the Ires Pattents above mentioned is and are warranted. Pro-
vided that such penalties doe not extend to the taking away
the rights or interest of any person or psons of or in their life
members freehold goods or chattells: nor be repugnant or con-
trary but agreeable as neare as may be to the Lawes established
within the Realme of England, and to the Lawes & ordinances
established or to be established within or said Province of Mary-
land. All wch edicts & Proclamations shall stand in force onely
and vntill we or or heires shall signifie the contrary vnder or or
their hand and seale to him or said Lieutent and the people
there, or that he or said Lieutent shall in his discretion think
fitt to repeale the same, or that the same be repealed in a grall
Assembly of the said ffreemen or their deputies to be called &
assembled as aforesaid with the consent of or said Lieutent
And further we doe hereby grant full power & authority
vnto him or said Lieutent to appoint from time to time fitt places
for publique Ports for lading shipping & vnlading & discharging
of all goods & merchandise to be imported or exported out of
or said Province; and to appoint officers & Ministers in the
same places and ports; & also to erect & establish convenient
places for the holding & keeping of ffaires & marketts, and to
establish marketts and ffaires to be there held vpon [certaine]
daies for that purpose to be by him appointed.
Liber P. R.