Vppon reading of wch The Ret to the Sheriffe
in Baltemore County, for the Ele urgesses, being pro-
duced, & viewed. The Vote of this howse is, That tht Elec-
tion was Legall, (The other Burgesse for tht County making
his appearance uppon tht summons & Election.)
Whereuppon Ordered tht Coll Nath: Vtye take his place &
seate in the howse, as Burgesse for Baltemore County.
Mr Rich: Beard lycensed by the Speaker to absent for a
Then Ordered That those other ffowre Gentln (vizt) Capt
James Neale, Mr Robt Slye, Mr Nich: Yowng & Mr Tho:
Thorowgood, as afore, draw up that Act Touching Hogstealers
anew as is gyuen them in charge, & according to debate
Who went uppon their charge.
Was read An Act Concerning Outlawries. Twice read
An Act Appoynting Coroners
in each County. Twice reade
Ordered th? the Clerk draw out fayre those two acts now
L. H.
now debated on & amended, to bee pro- for their
Consideraon & concurrance, olved into a Grand Com-
mittee erning the Jndian busines. howse mett
againe. ning the buying & exporting goods
who eyther Trade hither in sell them againe to the Jn-
out of the Prouince tht Bill bee drawne,
to to buy such goods & the iniury of the whole
[One line missing]
Concerning Hog- according to debate & order
of the howse Read. Twice Read. Voted in the affir-
mative. Pass? & to be prsented to the Vpper howse.
Putt to the Vote. Whither a Law bee not necessary. Pro-
hibiting Negros, or any other Seruants to keepe piggs, hoggs,
or any other sort of Swyne, uppon any pretence whatsoeur
Vnlesse imployed by their respectiue Masters or Ouerseers as
Swynyards for their Masters only proper use, & behoofe of
their sd Masters & noe otherwise. Voted.
In the affirmative. That such a Bill bee drawne
The howse adiorned by the Speaker 'till 2 Clock afternoone
ffriday 2 a Clock after noone
The howse called. All prnt, none excepted.
Mr Speaker ordered Mr Robt Slye the Messenger to prsent
these three Bills. Vizt An Act Concerning Hogstealers, An
Act Concerning Outlawries, & An Act appoynted Coroners in
Each County, to the Vpper howse for their Consideraon
p. 22