L. H.
p. 10
the merchant is much damifyed, hee paying for wood: & there-
fore to putt an equallity in the busines, hee desyres tht each
Cask bee weighed & the merchant to allow but what the Cask
weighs, & noe more. Whither a RegulaOn as to the
Weight of Tob
[One line missing]
maior Vote. The Merchant hauing wch is not to
bee denyed him. those ffowre Gentlemen of the former
mmittee tomorrow morning. And. Bills allready
agreed on, (Vizt) & Hogstealers. & then prsent the
[One line missing]
ning the Exportaon skins Goate Skins
[One line missing]
affirmatiue by the Bill bee prepared & drawne up
The howse adiorned by Mr Speaker 'till tomorrow morning
8 a Clock
Thursday 12th Aprill 1666 8 a Clock
The howse called, All prsent, except Coll Nath. Vtye who
being thrice called, appeares not.
The Committee yesterday appoynted (vizt) Capt James Neale,
Mr Thomas Thorowgood, Mr Nicholas Young & Mr Richard
Beard, being called ; Orders are gyucn them for the drawing
up a new the Act Concerning Hogstealers, both to the penalty
of ffine &c: & other punishmt, as is now debated in the howse.
And likewise for the drawing up those other Acts for Outlaw-
ries & Coroners.
Who accordingly went uppon their charge
p. 11
Mr Speaker motions, whither it bee not most conuenient
That an Act bee prouided, Enioyning all depart the Pro-
uince, to sett up their name County Courts ? Wch
though formerly Act prouiding therefore. And
Putt to the Vote Whither such according to the intents
now debated
Jn the amrmatiue necess
Then motioned whither restraine the County
As to Bills, Bonds & ly to ta those some
[One line missing]
Court. And
Putt to the Vote Whither to cont
Jn the affirmative to continue by the maior Vote.
Then allso motioned, Concerning High Wayes, or Common
Roads to bee made, kept & allowed in all Counties of this