Anderson vs. Hudson, appeal, 13, 33.
Appeals — Anderson vs. Hudson, 13, 33.
Bailey vs. Staplefort, 362, 379,
Burgess vs. Hooper, 269.
Chandler vs. Wells, 380, 432.
Edmundson and Tilghman vs.
Quigly, 502, 505, 506.
Hinchman vs. Manning, 162.
Russell vs. Wells, 380, 402.
Snowe vs. Gerrard, 11, 33, 59.
Arms and ammunition, 423.
Arms in counties, 427.
Attorneys, a grand grievance, 169.
Bailey vs. Staplefort, appeal, 362, 379, 380.
Baltimore county, indemnification for
Indian damages, 384.
Battin, W., land surveyor, 353.
Browne, James, contempt, 243.
Burgess vs. Hooper, appeal, 269.
Burning fences, 350.
Cager, R., settling estate, 510.
Carrying letters, 455.
Chancery proceedings, 350.
Chandler vs. Wells, appeal, 380, 432.
Charges of Assembly, 55, 120, 242, 243,
Children held by Indians, 478, 480.
Conference between Houses of Assembly,
178, 179.
Conference with Indians, 10, 14, 25, 69.
Confirmation of laws, 385.
Contempt of Assembly, 55, 120, 242, 243,
Courts, special, 433.
Edmundson and Tilghman vs. Quigly,
appeal, 502, 505, 506.
Erbery, E., contempt, 55, 120.
Examination of King of Mattawoman,
Frisby, J., Complaint against A. Herman,
Gift to Governor, 432, 454, 455.
Gift to Lord Proprietary, 510, 511.
Grand Juries, allowance to, 384.
Grievances, public, 168, 173, 180, 182.
Herman, A., charged with riot, 480.
Herman, A. remonstrance, 258, 261.
Hinchman vs. Manning, appeal, 162.
Hog-stealing, 350.
Horses, importation of, 383, 384.
Impeachment of T. Truman, 475, 481,
485. 493. 494. 500,
501, 504, 511, 512.
Impeachment of C. James, 483, 490,
496, 499.
Impeachment of J. Morecroft, 163, 169.
Indians — conferences with, 10, 14, 25, 69.
damages by, 384, 426.
entertainment of, 57.
gifts to, 488, 508.
killing wolves, 348, 349.
land for 354, 357, 359, 369, 371,
373. 428.
murders by, 32, 72, 73, 195, 196,
murders of, 55 — see impeach-
ment of T. Truman,
peace with, 25, 79, 92, 377, 378.
raising force against, 314, 316.
war with, 378, 426, 427, 444.
Informers a grievance, 169.
James, C., impeachment of, 483, 490, 496,
Journal of Lower House expunged, 183.
King of Maltawoman, examination of, 505.