The lower howse doe thinke that 2000lb tob is sufficient for
Mr Nutthalls sattisfaccon for the accomodacon of the Indians
& doe consent to allowe soe much & noe more
Wm Bretton
The vpper howse doe consent to the same
To the honoble the Vpper & lower
howse of Assembly
The humble petn of John Nutthall
That yor petr entertayned by the order & corhand of both
howses of Assembly 22 Indians 14 dayes for the which they
haue allowed him 2000lb tob with which he is not sattisfyed
haveing provided flesh for them once a day at least Where-
fore he sayth that his trouble & charge is more Considerable
And humbly prays order that his acco putt in this day may
be allowed
And he shall pray
Ordered that this petn be sent to the lower howse & that
they be desired to Consider thereof
Jo: Gittings.
Vpon Reassumpcon of this pet" remanded hither from the
vpper howse And putt to the vote
This howse doe judge that in Conscience they ought not to
allowe the petT more then two thousand pounds of tobacco
Wm Bretton Clk.