Achillis, Peter, naturalisation, 460.
Actions, limitation of, 201, 395.
Attachments and executions, limiting, 206.
Attorneys, Counsellors, &c., reforming,
Attorneys' fees, 467.
Bastards, servants', 396.
Beson, S.. naturalisation, 271.
Brispoe, Anthony, naturalisation, 460.
Burgesses' expenses, 151.
Burners of fences, 398.
Cager, R., settling inheritance, 530.
Cartwright, M., naturalisation, 282.
Cawood, Ann, relief of, and her children,
Clerks' fees, 137, 294.
Clerk's and sheriff's offices, 132.
Coins, foreign, 286.
Comegys, C., naturalisation, 331.
Commissioners, &c., pleading as attorneys,
Constables taking lists of taxables, 538.
Conveyances, enrolment of, 305, 309.
Conveying persons out of Province with-
out passes, 402.
Convicts, importation of, 540.
Coopers, 288, 529.
Cordea, M., naturalisation, 282.
Corn, exportation of, 561.
Coroners, appointing, 130.
Coroners' fees, 292.
County charges, 273.
Court days, 222, 397.
Court-houses, erecting, 413.
Creditors, securing, 542.
Criminals, fees from, 226, 394.
De Barrette, I., naturalisation, 205.
Debts, foreign, evidence of, 209.
Debts, payment of, 142, 218, 220.
De Costa, M., naturalisation, 282
Defence of the Province, 557.
De la Roche, C., naturalisation, 205.
Demouderer, A., naturalisation, 282.
De Ring, H. J., naturalisation, 282.
De Young (Deyong), J. C., naturalisation,
Dhyniossa, A., naturalisation, 282.
Divulgers of false news, 273.
Duhattoway, J., naturalisation, 460.
Easement in suits for small debts, 537.
Encouragement of trade, 143.
Elexon, J., naturalisation, 282.
Engrossers — see Ingrossers.
Enrolment of conveyances, 305, 389.
Estates, securing, 305.
Executions, stay of, 289, 323.
Executions, unnecessary delays of, 562.
Executions — see also Attachments.
False news, divulgers ot, 273.
Fees from criminals, 226, 394.
Fees — see Attorneys, Clerks, Coroners,
Muster-master General, Officers, Secre-
tary, Sheriffs, Surveyor General.
Fences, burners of, 398.
Flax and hemp, sowing, 300.
Foreign coins, 286.
Fountaine, N., naturalisation, 282.
Fraudulent practices, 274.
Freight for goods of Proprietary and
Governor, 202.
Garrets, R., naturalisation, 282.
Gotee, J., naturalisation, 270.
Grand inquest, empanelling, 392.
Grand juries, allowance to, 462.
Gratitude to Lieut. General, 217, 386, 515.
Green, H., naturalisation, 403.
Hak (Hack), Anna, naturalisation, 144.
Hanson, H., naturalisation, 331.
Hemp and flax, sowing, 300.
Herman, A., naturalisation, 144.
Highways, 134, 219, 321, 408.
Hogstealers, 140, 277.
Horses, importation of, 281, 333.