Actions, limitation of, 192, 193, 194, 199,
376, 379.
Advancement of commodities, 35, 43, 99,
101, 106, 109, 113.
Amerciaments, 376.
Arrests on the Sabbath, 376.
Attachments and executions, limiting,
192, 194, 198, 359, 361.
Attorneys, &c., 379, 428, 432, 443, 447,
Bastards, servants', 381.
Burgesses' expenses, 59, 129.
Cessation of tobacco-planting, 43-49, 66,
98, 107, 109.
Clerks' fees, 32, 36, 89, 94, 99, 100, 260,
262, 265, 430, 450, 452.
Clerk's and sheriff's offices, 34, 96.
Coins, foreign, 264, 265.
Commissioners, sheriffs, &c., pleading as
attorneys, 32, 34, 89, 94, 96.
Confirmation of grants, 502.
Conveyances, 117, 260, 265.
Conveyance of letters, 376.
Convicts, importation of, 484, 485, 487.
Coopers, 264, 376, 511.
Coroners, appointing, 17, 22, 23.
Coroners' fees, 262, 265, 376.
County charges, 261, 262, 265.
Court days, 187, 188, 191, 198, 358, 361,
Courts, appeals from, 262.
Court-houses and prisons in counties, 430,
451, 452.
Criminal cases, procedure in, 357, 368,
Criminals, fees from, 187, 188, 191, 381.
Debts, foreign, evidence of, 198, 359, 361,
445. 448.
Debts, payment of, 108, 113, 198, 361.
Debts, small — see Easement.
De Costa, M., naturalisation, 318.
Defence of Province, 481, 497, 498.
Deserted plantations, 356, 372.
Divulgers of false news, 258, 260, 265.
Easement in suits for small debts, 488,
492, 495.
Empowering N. Heathcote to sell land,
Encouragement of trade, 35, 43, 49, 99,
101, 106, 109, 113, 114, 115, 241.
Engrossers — see Ingrossers.
Evidence of debts, 198, 359, 361, 448.
Executions, delay of, 492, 495.
Executions, stay of, 263, 265, 317.
Executions — see also Attachments.
Faith, public preservation of, 185, 186.
False news, divulgers of, 258, 260, 265.
Fees from criminals, 187, 188, 191, 381.
Fees — see Clerks, Secretary, Sheriffs,
Surveyor General, Coroners, Marriage,
Muster-master General.
Fences, burners of, 381.
Fences, height of, 376.
Ferries (repealing act), 69, 76.
Fines, levying, 185.
Flax and hemp, sowing, 264, 265, 376.
Foreign coins, 264, 265.
Foreign debts, evidence of, 198, 359, 361,
445. 448.
Fraudulent practices, 261, 265.
Freight for goods of Proprietary and
Governor, 185, 186, 192, 199, 376.
Fugitives — see Runaways.
Furs, prohibiting exportation of, 18, 22,
24, 68, 76.
Government, support of, 260.
Grain, English, sowing, 53, 118.
Grand inquest, impanelling, 350, 356, 369,
Grants, confirmation of, 502.
Gratitude to Lieut.-General, 189, 198,
432, 454. 455.
Ground leaves and seconds, 186, 189, 191,