562 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676.
W. H.
That, from & after the 20th day of this instant June, no Indian
Corn, wheat Pease, Oates, or Barley, be exported or attempted
to be exported out off this Province wthout Leave first had &
obtained of the Rt hob.le the Lord Propry, his heires and succes-
sors, or his or their Lieutent or chiefe governor of this Province
for the time being, under his or their hands and seales, upon
pain and forfeiture of all such Corn so attempted to be trans-
ported out off this Province, either by Land, or water ; and if
by water, of the shipp and vessell or boate, in wc.h the same
shall be attempted to be transported, wth all her apparrell,
Tackle and furniture to them belonging the one halfe thereof
to be to the Rt hoble the Lord Propry his heires & successor the
other halfe to him tht shall informe, seize, or sue for the same,
in any Court of record wthin this Province, by accon of debt,
bill, plaint, or informacon where in no essoyne protection or
wager in Law to be allowed. This Act to endure for one
yeare, and no longer.
p. 57
An Act to prevent the unnecessary delaies of
Forasmuch as his Lordp.s good people of this Province now
more comonly holden from their just debts, and often in danger
to lose the same ; by means of writts of Error, and Appeales,
which are more comonly sued than heretofore they have been
ffor prevencon whereof for the future,
Be it Enacted by the Right hoble the Lord Proper by and with
advice & consent of the upper and Lower houses of this
present gen" Assembly, & the authio of the same, That from
and after the end of this prsent session of genll Assembly, noe
Execution upon any judgemt in any Court of Record in this
Province shall be stayd or delayed by any writt of Error, or
Appeale from the County Courts of this Province; or any
Supersedeas upon any such writts of Error, of appeale, shall be
sued out for the reverseing of such Judgement given or to be
given in any Court of Record in this Province, upon any accon
whatsoever; unlesse such person, or persons, (in whose name or
names such writt or Appeale shall be brought and obtained ;
with sufficient surety or sureties such as the Court (where such
Judgement shall be given) shall allow of,) shall (before such
stay made by a writt of Error, or Appeale, as aforesaid, or
supersedeas awarded) be Bound unto the party for whom any
such judgemt is, or shall be given, by Recognizance; (to be
acknowledged in the same Court,) in double the sume ad-
judged to be recovered by the sd former judgemt; to Prosecute
the said writt of Error, or Appeale, with effect: and alsoe to