W. H.
Troopers, in consideracon of their great pay, by this Act
allowed, all such times as they are comanded out a rangeing,
shall finde their own provision: But when the said Troopers
are with the foot; then to be found Provision at the Charge of
this Province ; to be Payd out off the Publick. And if it shall
so happen, that any Trooper's horse be killed in the service,
then the sd Trooper to be paid, for such Horse, out off the
Publick ; but if in case any Trooper shall loose his horse ; for
such horse so lost, the sd Trooper shall not be allowed the price
of the sd horse out off the Publick.
And Be it further Enacted by the authority aforesd, That
upon any Warre with the Indians, which may hereafter chance
to break out, (which God forbid): the Lt genll, or cheife
Governor of this Province, for the time being, shall appoint 2
honest & sufficient men, upon any occasion, to impress pro-
visions in every hundred, in every County within this Province,
to impress all manner of Provisions and other necessaries, suffi-
cient to supply any party to be sent out agt any Enemy or
Enemies whatsoever: and that the severall & respective
Sherrifes of the severall Counties of this Province, be aiding
& assisting to the sd persons from time to time to be appointed
in every hundred, for the impressing Provisions as aforesaid.
This Act to endure for 3 years, or to end of the next Sessions
of Assembly wc.h shall first happen.
p. 43
Forasmuch as it is found by experience that noe certain
Rate can be set upon Liquors sold by Ordinary keepers by
Retaile, because no certain rate can be set upon Merchant's
goods from whom the Ordinary keepers must purchase their
iquors, Be it Enacted by the Rt hoble the Lord Propry by and
with the Authority of the upper and Lower houses of this
prsent generall Assembly and the authority of the same That
(from henceforth) every person be left to agree with the Or-
dinary Keepers for any Liquor or other Accomodacon except
Beer, Lodging, Dyett; and horse meat. And Be it further
Enacted by the Authority aforesd That (from hence forward)
no ordinary keeper shall demand above 10lib Tobac p meall
for dyett, ffor small Beer 10lib Tobac p gallon ffor strong Beer
2olib Tob p gallon, ffor a nights Lodging in Bed with sheets
4lib Tob, ffor a Peck of Indian, shell'd Corn or Oates, for a
horse 12lib of Tob, ffor Pasture for a horse 6lib Tob p night ffor
hay or straw for a horse 10lib Tob p night
And to the end that the good people of this Province, at-
tending publick Sessions of genll Assemblies ; as also Provall
Courts and the severall & respective County Courts within