558 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676
W. H.
Successors ; or his or their Lt genll, or Chief Governor ; or Coun-
cell for the time being, shall see cause to ordr: And every per-
son so enlisted into the sd militia, or trained Bands: or that
shall (upon due Sumons to him, or them given: or left at his,
or their house, or Place of abode, by any officer of the trained
Bands) neglect, or refuse to be enlisted into such militia, or
trained Bands ; to meet at the time and place appointed, by
their severall and respective officers, as aforesd ; there to be
mustered, trained and exercised in the art of warre: & shall
not bring with him, one good, servicable, fixed gunn, according
to his Sumons, shall, for every such offence, forfeit & pay the
sume of 50 Pds of Tobaccoe to the Rt hoble the Lord Propry, to
be disposed of at his Lordps pleasure. And in case it shall (at
any time hereafter) happen, that his Lordps the Lord Propr.y
his heires or successor.s: or his, or their Lt genll: or Governor
and Councell for the time being, shall think fitt to raise any
warre ; or Leavy any men, within this Province, for the op-
poseing and suppressing of any Invasion of any enemy: or
against any domestick Insurrection, or Rebellion within this
Province: or agt any Indians: or for the defence of this Pro-
vince, They doe further, humbly Pray that it may be Enacted,
Be it Enacted, by the authority aforesd, That all Charges of
such warre, shall be defrayed by this Province, by an equall as-
sessmt upon the Persons and Estates of the inhabitants thereof;
to be raised and Leavyed by his Lordpp the Lord Propry of this
Province ; his heires & successor ; or his, and their Councell,
dureing his Lordspp, his heires and Successors stay in this Pro-
p. 38
vince: and, in his absence ; by his, or their Lt genll, and chief
Governor and Councell for the time being: Provided, that at
the laying of any Leavyes, for the defraying of the charge of
such warre, his Lordspp his heires, or successors ; or his or their
chief governor ; or Councell for the time being, doe call to
their assistance, one of the Delegates of each respective
County within this Province ; and one of the Burgesses of the
City of St Marys, to see tht the tobaccoe so to be raised, be
employed for defraying the necessary charge of the Province ;
and to no other use. And Provided the Pay for Officers &
Souldiers be no more than is hereafter menconed ; and no
longer time than such Officers and Souldiers, shall be in actuall
service, To witt, for every Colonell, or chief Comander of
the field, 2000lb of Tobac. p moneth ; if the fforces sent out,
under his comand, exceed the number of an hundred men.
To a Major, 1200lb of Tobac. p month.
To a Captain, 1000lb of Tobac. p month.
To a Lievtent 700lb of Tobac. p month.
To an Ensign 600lb of Tobac p month.