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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 555   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676. 555

shall come to lay the Leavy shall be defrayed and paid by their
respectiue Counties for which they are Delegates And the
Charges & Expences of all the said Delegates while they are
att St Maryes about the Countryes businesse shall be borne &
defrayed by the Publick And alsoe that reasonable allowance
be made to the members of the upper house of assembly that
dwell remote from St Maryes for their victuall or Itinerant
Charges in Comeing & goeing to lay & assesse the next
Leavy And alsoe their Charges while they are att St Maryes
doeing the same shall be paid and defrayed by the Publick
any Law Statute Custome or vsage to the Contrary hereof in
any wise notwithstanding.
His Lordpp willeth these to be Lawes
Ch: Baltemore.

W H& L

An Act for Reviving of certain
Lawes within this Province.

Forasmuch as many good and wholesome Lawes have been
formerly made within this Province ; which being Temporary,
will of themselves expire, if not Revived and Continued by
this present generall Assembly. Bee it therefore Enacted by
the Right honob.le the Lord Propry. by and with the advise and
consent of the Upper and Lower Houses of this present genll
Assembly, and the authority of the same, that one Act made
at a generall Assembly begun the 27th day of Aprill 1658 En-
tituled An act concerning a Register of Births, Marriages and
Burialls. One other Act made at an Assembly held at St Iohns
the 17th day of Aprill, Anno 1661, Entituled An Act for the ap-
pointing of certain Officers (except the Last Clause touching
Sherrifes) which is not to be Revived. One other Act made
at the same Assembly Entituled, An Act concerning the height
of Fences. One other Act made at the same Assembly Enti-

W. H.

p. I

tuled, An Act for conveyance of all Letters concerning the
state and Publick Affairs: One other Act made at an Assem-
bly begun and held at St Marys the first Day of Aprill, Anno
1662, Entituled An Act concerning Proceedings at Law: One
other Act made at the same Assembly, Entituled An Act con-
cerning Jndians: One other Act made at an Assembly begun
and held at St Marys the 15t.h day of September Anno 1663.
Entituled An Act Prohibiting Arrests on the Sabboth dayes,
and dayes of general muster and training: One other Act made
at the same Assembly Entituled An Act for Amercements in
the Provinciall and County Courts: One other Act made at
the same Assembly, Entituled An Act Prohibiteing trade with
the Jndians for any flesh dead or alive except Diere and wilde
ffowle: One other Act made at an Assembly begun and held

p. 2

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 555   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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