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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 550   View pdf image
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550 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676.

W H & L

An Act Empowering the Comissioners of the County Courts
to Leavy and raise Tobacco towards defraying the necessary
Charges of their Countyes Ano 71
An Act for the makeing voyd all fraudulent practices tend-
ing to the defrauding of reall purchasers & Creditors Ano 71
An Act for quieting possessions Ano 71
An Act for the Naturalizacon of Dyniosa & others Ano 71
An Act for the rayseing & provideing a Support for his
Lordship the Lord and Proprietary of this Prouince dureing
his natureall life & likewise a Supply towards the defraying the
Publick Charge of the Government Ano 71
An Act prohibitting all sherriffes Sub sherriffes or Depty
sherriffs all Clerkes sub Clerkes or Depty Clerkes to plead as
attorney in any Court or Courts within this Province wherein
he or they shall bear such office Ano 71
An Act for the killing of wolves Ano 71
An Act for the preservacon of Orphans Estates Ano 71
An Act for the naturalizacon of Mathias DeCosta Ano 71
An Act for the naturalizacon of Hans Hanson & others
Ano 71
An Act of gratitude to his Excy Charles Calvert Esqr Capn
Genl.l of Maryland Anno 1674

An Act for the Enrollment of Conveyances & secureing the
Estates of Purchasers Ano 74
An Act appointing Court dayes in each Respective County
within this Province Ano 74
An Act declareing what shall be done by the Sherriffe Ex
Officio Ano 74
An Act for Erecting a Court house & Prison in each County
within this Province Ano 74
An Act for the Naturalizacon of John Johnson & Henry
Greene Ao 74
An Act for John Long of London Marchant Ano 74

p. 127

An Act for the building of a Statehouse & Prison att St
Maryes Ano 74
An Act for the Naturalizacon of Jacob Duhattoway & others
Ano 74
Bee hereby & by this present Act of Generall Assembly are
Ratifyed and Confirmed to stand in full force and vertue till
his Lordshipp by and with the advice & Consent of the Upper
and lower houses of this or any future Assemblyes shall think
fitt to alter amend revoke or Repeale the same or any one or
more of them.
And Bee itt Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that every
County Clerke within this Province shall att or before the first
day of January next transcribe & fairely write out in a booke
for that Purpose to be kept all the Lawes which att the end of

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 550   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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