Then came a Member of the lower howse & desired the
Governor from the whole lower howse not to discharge Edward
Erbery Merchant of the Sare of Bristoll in regard they had
something to object agt him as well for abuseing the lower
howse of assembly as his Lop. the last night
Then came a Member from the lower howse with this paper
Tuesday 1st May 1666
Wm Calvert Esqr mocons the howse
That whereas there was an abuse comitted last night by
Edward Erbery to the disturbance of the whole howse in their
quiett & rest. And the Clk of this howse informes that the sd
Erbery did call the whole howse Papists, Rogues, Turdy rogues,
&c which the Speaker is desired to take notice of & proceed
therein either by prsentmt or otherwise as to him shall seeme
best & that it be the first thing this howse takes into their Con-
sideracon or debate. Mr Nicholas Pinkard informes that
Erberry called the whole howse a Turdy shitten assembly Mr
Richard Blunt informes that Erbery sayd wee are a Company
of turdy fellowes (meaneing the lower howse) & were ashamed
of the place from whence wee came,