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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 540   View pdf image
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540 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676.

An Act for punishment of a Certain abuse comitted by Henry
Ward of Caecill County gentleman against the Right Honble
the Lord Proprietary & the Publick.

Whereas Complaint hath been made to the Burgesses &
Delegates of the Lower house of Assembly & there Sufficient
proved That the said Henry Ward being Elected a Member to
serue in the Lower house of the Last assembly & being there
sitting did Informe the said lower house that he had a very
good horse lost in the Country service in the Expedicon to the
Whorekills And that the Lower house giveing Creditt to such
Informacon did thinke fitt to allow him out of the Publick
Leavy Eighteene hundred pounds of Tobacco to which his
Lordshipp the then Capn Generall & upper house did assent unto
And itt being now made evidently appeare to this house That
the said Ward lost noe such horse in the Publick service and
that the said allegacon was most egregiously false & that
thereby he had Exceedingly abused his Lordshipp & both
houses of Assembly & the whole Countrey They therefore
humbly pray that itt may be Enacted & be itt Enacted by the
Right Honble the Lord Proprietary of this Prouince by and with
the aduice and Consent of the vpper and lower houses of this
present Generall Assembly and the Authority of the same That
the said Henry Ward may for such his great abuse be fined

p. 118

the summe of four thousand pounds of good Tobacco & Caske
to be Leavyed by way of Execucon uppon his goods &
Chatties by the Sherriffe of Caecill County And that the said
sume of four thousand pounds of Tobacco being soe Leavyed
as aforesaid may be paid by such Sherriffe to Thomas Cole of
Baltemore County his Executors administrators or assignes
towards the Repaireing his great losses and damages by him
the said Cole Susteyned by Severall Robberies comitted
by the Indians his stock being killed by them of which the
said Coles losses & Damages This house hath Received full

An Act against the Importacon of Convicted persons
into this Province

Forasmuch as Severall masters of Shipps Marchants Sailors
& others haue vsed and still doe vse to Import into this
Prouince severall notorious felons & Malefactors which in
severall of his Majesties Courts haue been Convicted of
Crimes & fellonies as aforesaid and afterward procured by
Masters of Shipps Marchants Sailors & others out of the
Comon Iayles to Import into this Prouince & here to Sell &
dispose of such felons & Malefactors as servants to the great


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 540   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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