duce an Authentick Certificate of such servants age & shall
haue Remedy to the ages aforemenconed.
And Bee itt further Enacted by the Authority & by and with
the aduice and Consent aforesaid That noe Indenture made by
any seruant dureing the time of service due by former Inden-
ture or by determinacon of the Court according to the Tenor
of this Act shall any wayes oblige any Servant for longer tyme
then by his first Indenture or determinacon of the Court shall
be Limitted & appoynted Provided that this Act nor any thing
therein Contayned shall not give or be Construed to give any
Benefitt to any Slaue whatsoever, Prouided that neither this
Act nor any thing therein Contained Repeale or be
Construed to Repeale An Act made att a Generall Assem-
bly the thirteenth day of Aprill Anno 1674 Entituled an Act
Concerning Servants that haue bastards, And for Encourage-
ment of our Neighbouring Collonyes of Virginia Delaware
& the Northern parts of America for the takeing upp of
servants & others Runnawayes out of this Prouince into those
parts Bee itt further Enacted by the Authority aduice and
Consent aforesaid That the sume of four hundred pounds of
Tobacco shall from henceforth be allowed & payd to any per-
son in those Collonyes of Virginia DeLaware & the Northerne
parts of America that shall soe seize or take upp such servants