And bee itt further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that
all priests Ministers Pastors & Magistrates who according to
the Law of this Prouince doe usually Ioyne people in Marri-
age shall joyne them in the manner & useing the words follow-
ing the man takeing the woman by the Right hand shall say I
A: B: doe take thee C: D: to my weded wife to haue and to hold
from this day forward for better for worse for Rich or for poore
in Sicknesse & in health till death us depart & there too I
plight thee my troth which being finished he shall Lett her
hand goe Then the woman takeing the man by the Right hand
shall say I C: D: take thee A: B: to my wedded husband to
haue and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for
Rich or for poore in Sicknesse & in health till death us depart
& theretoo I plight thee my troth. Which being finished the
Priest Minister Pastor or Magistrate shall say I being hereunto
by Lawe Authorized doe Pronounce you Lawfull man & wife.
And Bee itt further Enacted by the Authority aduice & Con-
sent aforesaid That the Priest Minister Pastor or Magistrate
are by vertue of this Act hereby Impowered to aske demand
Receive & take from the parties soe marryed or Ioyned to-
gether the Summe of one hundred pounds of Tobacco this Act
to endure for three yeares or to the end of the next Generall
Assembly which shall first happen.
An Act Relateing to Servants and Slaues
Whereas there was an Act Provided against Servants Run-
nawayes made in the yeare one thousand Six hundred & fifty
And another Act made in the yeare one thousand six hundred
Sixty two as alsoe another Act made in the yeare one thousand
Six hundred Sixty Six which said three Acts haueing hithertoo
proved ineffectuall in Regard they doe not Sufficiently provide
an Encouragement for such person or persons Inhabitants
within this Province as shall Seize such Runnawayes Servants
by this Act deemed Runnawayes Therefore for the better
Discovery Seizing and apprehending of Such Runnawayes as
aforesaid Bee itt Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the aduice and Consent of the upper &
lower houses of this present Generall Assembly That from & after
the PublicacOn hereof noe Servant or Servants whatsoever within
this Prouince whither by Indenture or according to the Custome
of the Countrey or hired for wages shall travell by Land or
water tenn miles from the house of his her or their Master or
mistrisse or dame without a noate under their hands or vnder
the hand of his her or their Overseer (if any be) under the Pen-
alty of being taken for a Runnaway & to Suffer Such penaltyes
as are hereafter provided against Runnawayes.