this Prouince & which hath been paid & deliuered to them for
satisfaccon of their said debts And such Marchants & others
hand uppon the Recept marking & Nayling of Such hoggsheds
of Tobacco delivered upp to their Respective Debitors their
bills or other Securityes passed by such Debitors for security
of their said debts, or if the said Marchants & others haue
given Releases or discharges to the said Debitors of the said
debts and that before the said Marchants or others could Re-
moue the said Hoggsheads of Tobacco from the said Debitors
Tobacco houses any Sherriffe within this Prouince shall come
& seize such hoggsheads of Tobacco soe marked and Nayled
as aforesaid That then & in every such Case if the party refuse
to make & give to his said Creditors some other full Satisfaccon
for their said Severall debts Itt shall and may be Lawfull for
any two of his Lordships Justices of the Peace of the Respec-
tiue Counties within this Prouince uppon due proofe made
before them two of the Justices of the said debt & of the said
Sherriffes seizure as aforesaid & that the party Debitors refuse
to make their Creditors full Satisfaccon for their said debts att
the Creditors Request to award out Execucon with Costs
against the body goods or Chatties of such Debitors to be
Executed by the severall Sherriffes for Satisfaccon of the said
Creditors Iust debts in as full & ample manner as if the said
debts had been Legally Recovered by due Course of Law,
And if itt shall happen the said debts soe Seized by the
Sherriffe shall amount to more then the Iurisdiccon of the
County Courts will beare Then itt shall & may be Lawfull for
any one of the Iustices of the Prouinciall Court att the Request
of such Creditors to award Execucon for such debts either by
Capias ad Satisfaciendum fieri-facias or Ellegit (att the Eleccon
of the said Creditors) for the Recovery of the said debts as
aforesaid any Law Statute or Custome to the Contrary Not-
withstanding Provided that his Lordships Justices doe Call
before them both parties & wittnesses for due proofe of the
Iustnesse of the said debt & of the said Sherriffes seizure as
aforesaid And that as in all other Civill Causes as his Lord-
shipps Courts the party Cast shall Satisfie the Costs & Court
Charges And that noe Sherriffe within this Prouince shall seize