Coll. John Jarboe been Conceived in writeing & been penned
in due forme of Law any Law Custome or usage either in this
Prouince or in the kingdome of England to the Contrary here-
of in any wise Notwithstanding.
An Act for Secureing Marchants & others Tobacco after
they haue Receiued itt —
Bee itt Enacted by the Right Honoble the Lord Proprietary
by and with aduice & Consent of the Upper & Lower houses
of this present Generall Assembly that every housekeeper or
Inhabitant within this Prouince haueing a Plantacon whereon
he maketh or Causeth to be made any Tobacco shall build and
erect or otherwise fitt upp and make Ready a good tight house
with a good doore lock and key uppon every Plantacon where
such Tobacco is made as aforesaid Sufficient to Containe The
Tobacco made vppon every respective Plantacon and the said
houses to be builded fitted upp or made Ready by the tenth