506 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676.
U. H.
The Interrogatories Viz
1st — Whence did the said prissoners Come
2dly What doe the Said prissoners prtend to be the end
designe of theire Comeing into this Province
p. 42
3dly Did they come Voluntarily or not
4 — Who did take or Apprehend the said Jndians
5 Doth the King of Mattawoman Judge them to be friends
or to Come as Spyes and for Some evill intent
The House is adjowrned for an houre
The House Met
6ly Whether the said Jndians are of this Province and To
what Townes they belong how long they have been absent,
and where they have been
7ly What numbr the Enemy doth Consist of from wch the sd
Prissoners Came and whether the Said Enemie be inforted or
where at present they are Resident and who are theire Con-
federates and what is theire Designe
Ordered alsoe that there be Such and Soe many of the
Neighbouring Indians of the Seavll nations prsent at the Said
examination as Shall be thought fitt to Satisfie and assure the
said Neighbouring Indians tht noe Wrong or Jnjustice shall at
the prsent or for the future be done them
Came here by order of this house on Saturday last Jno
Edmundson and Mary Tilhman Executx of Richard Tilghman
decd pltffs in the Writt of Error here depending agt Jno Quigly
Deft and The Defts Demurrer to the errors assigned being
fully argued on both Sides it was found that there was a mis-
prision of the Clerke in entering of the Speciall Bayle given by
Blackhall in the Provall Court and this house being of opinion
tht the Said misprision might have been amended in the Pro-
val1 Court it Self by the Judges there within a certaine time, It
was ordered here tht the Record be brought into this house to
be amended in point of speciall Bayle aforesaid which was
done accordingly and therefore it is Considered here tht the
bayle be discharged, the parties Dismissed each paying theire
owne Costs and tht nothing of this Proceedings be intended to
destroy the Judgemt in the Provall Court agt The Principall
The house is adjowrned
till 10 of the Clock
Tomorrow Morning
Signed by order
Richard Boughton Clk
of the Assembly