504 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676.
U. H.
Killing of the five Susquehannoughs Embassadors noe Mur-
ther, for to them [and] all the world it does and will Certainely
appea[r the] greatest that ever hath been Committed
That the Unanimous Consent of the Virginians (if true) does
noe wayes alter the nature of the Crime, nor Since the said
Truman had Jnstructions plaine enough to haue made him ab-
horred and abominated Soe black an Action Can as little Serve
for an extinuacon thereof, And Whereas in the Said paper for
a further Extinuacon it is Signified, tht the Major To prevent a
Mutiny of the Whole Army was Compelled & drawne to tht
action, This house are of another opinion for at the Said Tru-
mans Tryall did to plainely appeare tht his first Comands for
the killing of those Jndians were not obeyed and tht he had
some difficulty to get his men To obey him therein and that
after they were put to death not a man would owne to have
had a hand in it but rather Seemed to abhorr the Act Which
untill now hath been termed by all Persons Those tht were the
Executioners onely excepted the Most Execrable of Murthers
That the Crime was not Maliciously perpetrated as to Au-
thority this house doth beleive, but tht it was done Treacher-
ously and that in it a great and Unheard of Wickednesse was
Comitted by the Lower house Cannot be denyed, And whether
by tht action the Province Will not be Prejudiced and many
English Murdered his Lordp and this house Leaves to the fur-
ther Consideracon of the Lower house noe way pressing them
to Receede from theire Soe possitive Vote onely desireing them
that they will take notice that what is now undone lyes at theire
doores and not with us who are possitive in this, That his Lop
and Upper house dare not and therefore Resolve not to pro-
ceed upon an act which onely beares the title of an act of At-
tainder, This paper was sent to the Lower house by Liavet
Collonll Thomas Taillor
p.40 Lowr
[2d June]
The paper touching the Rangeing of Horsemen
With the peticon of the Jnhabbitants of the Fresshes
of petuxon River being Read and it being Put to the
Vote Whether the Troopers bee allowed 5l lob more p day
Yea or Noe Voted in the Negative
Signed &c
3d June
Jn answer to the Message Yesterday from the Lower
house Touching' the bill entituled an act Prohibiting
Amunicon to be Sold given or lent to the Indians,
This house are of oppinion tht noe English man in This
Juncture will Sell the Jndians Armes or Amunition and tht to
Passe this Act will but give the English an oppertunity to tell
the Indians we have prohibited the Sale of of Armes &c To