Then came a Member from the lower howse with this
Message in wryting (vizt)
Vpon the Chancellors comeing into the lower howse and
readeing the Vpper howse their reasons why a Cessacon neces-
sary. The lower howse takeing them into their serious Con-
sideracon & debateing thereon doe rest sattisfyed Provided
there be care taken & provision made for the sattisfaccon of
debts & that their neigboring Collony of Virga doe comply
with us
Wm Bretton Clk.
Then was read the Act for Encouragemt of trade which was
assented to by this howse & sent to the lower howse for their
Then was return'd the Act for Encouragemt of trade from
the lower howse with their assent
The howse ajourned till 9 of
the Clock in the morning
At 9 of the Clock the howse mett againe
Present all as before Except Mr Trueman & the Governor.
Then was sent the Act for the Surveyors to the lower howse
& return'd againe with their Assent.
Then was brought an Act for giving passes to persons that
are to departe this Province from the lower howse as also an
Act agt Runawayes, and assented to by the lower howse
The howse ajourned for two houres
The howse mett againe
Then came a Member of the lower howse wth an Act reviving
those temporary lawes now expired