P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. S3
ready payed downe or by bill bond or Specialty or other security
to that purpose to be given above the vallue of Sixty pounds
of tobacco for any Fee gratuity or Reward for the prosecuting
following defending Councelling advising or pleading of any
Cause or suite wtsoever hereafter to be begun prosecuted
pleaded or defended in any of the County Courts within this
Province from the first Comencemt of any Suite to the Final
Determincon thereof And that every such Attorney hereafter
to be admitted doe before his admittance take the usual Oath
of Attorney & tht he shal be content with the Fees in this
Act Limited wch said severall Fees hereby allowed to the severall
Attorneys shal be allowed in a bill of Costs to either pty pltf or
Defdt against the ply cast And all Attorneys Councellors or
Sollicitors taking or exacting other Fees than aforesd & offend-
ing against the true intent & meaning of this Act And being
thereof Lawfully convicted by the Oaths of two sufficient wit-
nesses shal not only loose & forfeit for every offence as aforesd
the Sume of two thousand pounds of Tobacco one half there-
of to the Lord Prory the other half thereof to the pty grieved
to be Recovered in any the Courts of this Province by bill
plaint or Informacon but shall also be excluded from being At-
torney Councellor or Sollicitor in any of the Courts of this Pro-
vince for ever hereafter Provided that this Act nor anything
therein conteyned be not construed judged or taken to debarr
any person or persons pltf or Defdt at the Tryall or hearing of
their Cause or Causes to speake for themselves if they so de-
sire it. This Act to endure for three Years or to the end of
the next Gen" Assembly which shall first happen.