Servants and Members of both houses of this Present Gen-
erall Assembly Do pray Your Honour to Suppress by your
Proclamation all other Ordinaries, and before any of the before
Mentioned Ordinaries have Licence that they give Security ac-
cording to the said Vote.
Signed by the Clerks of both Houses
The house is Adjourned till 9 of the Clock to Morrow Morning
On Wednesday the 24th Day of February the house mett
Present the Honourable Governor the rest as yesterday
Thrice read the Acts concerning what shall be allowed to the
Grand Iuries that are Summoned twice a year out of the Body
of the Province to Attend Provincial Courts, and for Allowance
of Publick Accounts and both Passed.
Upon Notice given to the Lower house that his Excellency
was ready to break up this Present Session of Assembly, and
to desire them to bring up the Laws Assented to by both
The Lower house with their Speaker came into this house
with all the Laws made this Assembly, the Titles whereof
being read in the Presence of both houses, the Lieutenant Gen-
eral Signed the Laws with this Endorsement Vizt The Lieu-
tenant Generall Willeth these to be Laws
And thereupon Prorogued this Assembly to
the 14th Day of February Next to come in the
Year of Our Lord 1675.
U. H.
p. 388