430 Assembly Proceedings, February 1674/5.
U. H.
with the Governor he then told the Governor he would be
Contented if the English would lett him and the Susquehan-
nahs live at the falls of Patowmack, That the Governor hath
Moved to the Assembly to permitt them to Live above the falls
upon his Desire then made to the English and the Governor,
and that the Assembly were well Contented they should live
above the falls but are not willing to lett them plant Corn
p. 384
nearer the English lest the English and the Susquehannahs
fall out and fight
Jn Answer whereto after Some tedious Debate the Susque-
hannahs did Signifie to the Governor by their Interpreter that
they would Condescend to remove as farr as the head of Potow-
The house is Adjourned till 9 of the Clock to Morrow Morning
On Saturday 30th February the house mett.
The Governor
Mr Truman
Mr Chew
Mr Taylor
His Lordships Commissioners for Baltimore County being
Divided in their Opinions touching the most Convenient Place
for Building a Court house & Prison in the said County (in
pursuance of an Act for a Court house and Prison in every
County) and Captain Thomas Todd Exhibiting his Petition to
the Upper house and praying Some certain Order and Direc-
tion of this house touching the Place for Erecting the sd Build-
ings, This house doth Conceive that the most Convenient
Place for the same will be the head of Gunpowder River on
the North Side and therefore it is hereby Ordered that the
Commissioners for the said County do take Notice hereof
and appoint the Erecting the said Buildings in the Place here
Read an Act for Allowance of longer time to the Counties,
for Erecting Court Houses and Prisons & the Same Quashed
in this house
Read an Act for Regulating the Several and respective
County Clerks fees and upon Debate thereon it is Conceived
that the Act of Assembly Ascertaining the Clerks fees is a
Sufficient guide and rule for the Clerks in setting their fees
and therefore any other List of the same is Iudged needless
and further this house doth Conceive that there is already as
little allowed the Clerks as can be reasonably Desired and if
any of the Clerks shall Exact fees and charge unreasonable
Accounts upon Complaint they are to be Indicted but the house