At an Assembly Begun and holden at the City
of St Maries the 27th Day of March in the thirty
Ninth year of the Dominion of Cecilius &c:
Annoq Domini 1671 and there Continued untill
the 19th of April Ensuing and thence Prorogued
untill the 10th Day of October following and
Continued untill the 20th of the said Month and
then Prorogued again untill the 19th of May fol-
lowing and Continued untill the 6th Day of iune
and then Prorogued untill the 29th of Septem-
ber, And on the 1 5th of August next ensuing
Declared and Published to be prorogued from
the said 2 gth Day of SeptemL untill the 1 3th Day
of April next, and on the 1 4th Day of October
next Ensuing Declared and Published to be no
Longer Prorogued than till the 9th of February
Instant 1674 and on the said gth Day of Febru-
ary further Published and Proclaimed for Speciall
Causes not to be held till the Twelfth Day of this
Instant February, On which Day Appeared to
the Upper house of Assembly —
The Right honourable Charles Calvert Esqr Capt
The honourable Philip Calvert Esqr Chancellor
Coll: William Calvert Principall Secretary
Samuel Chew Esqr Baker Brooke Esqr Sur Genl
Thomas Truman Esqr Jesse Wharton Esqr Thomas
Taylor Esqr
And also on the Same Day and Soon after appeared the
Deputies or Delegates of the Lower house of Assembly Vizt
U. H.
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