where the mother of any such Child as aforesaid shall be able
to prove her Charge by sufficient Testimony of wittnesses Con-
fession of the party Charged or pregnant Circumstance agree-
ing with her Declaracon in the Extremity of her paines and
Throes of travell and her oath taken by some Magistrate
Then the party Charged if a servant to satisfie halfe the said
damage if a freeman then the whole damage by Servitude or
otherwise as the Court before whom such matter is brought as
aforesaid shall thinke fitt And if any such mother as aforesaid
be able to prove by such Testimony or Confession of the party
Charged being a Single person & a freeman did before the
begetting of such Child promise her mariage that then he shall
performe his promise to her or Recompence her abuse as the
Court before whom such matter is brought shall see Conve-
nient the quality & Condicons of the persons Considered this
Act to endure for three yeares or to the end of the next
Generall Assembly.
An Act for appointing Court dayes in each Respectiue
County within this Prouince.
To the intent Court dayes may be ascertained and that the
Comissioners within their Respective Counties may know
Justly when to attend
Bee itt enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary by
and with the advice & Consent of the Upper & Lower houses
of this present Generall Assembly that for the future saint
Maries Baltemore and Dorchester County Courts shall be held
the first Tuesday in September November January March June
for the Orphans and the first Tuesday in August for Ann
Arundell Charles & Somersett County the second tuesday in
September November January March June for the Orphants
and the second Tuesday in August for Calvert & Talbott
County the third Tuesday in September November January
March June for the Orphants and the Third Tuesday in August
the fourth Tuesday in September November January March
& June for the Orphants and the fourth Tuesday in August —
And Bee itt further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that