Provided alwayes that this Act shall not Extend to male-
factors which are Executed or to such other persons who are
banished haueing noe Estate in the province or Servants
Criminalls in all which cases the Sherriffe or Goaler shall Re-
cover and be paid such fees by the County where the fact was
Comitted and the Criminall Resided or by the whole Country
att the discrecon of the Justices of the Prouinciall Court.
And Bee itt further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that
all and every servant Criminall for whom the County shall pay
the fees due to the sherriffe as aforesaid shall after the end &
expiracon of his time of servitude due to his master satisfie
vnto the Comissioners of the County who paid such his fees for
him to the sherriffe as aforesaid for the vse of such County
such summe as they haue paid as aforesaid and the severall
Comissioners of the severall Counties shall and are hereby Im-
powred to make inquisicon after all such servants Criminalls
for whom the County hath defrayd the said fees to the sherriffes
and they the said Comissioners according to their best discre-
cons shall order the said servants to make such reasonable
satisfaccon to the County as they shall think fitt and in such
manner as they shall find Convenient and that in case the said
Servants Criminalls shall remove into any other County then
where he was a Servant and where the fact was Comitted then
itt shall and may be Lawfull for his Lordshipps Justices of the
Prouinciall Court att the desire and request of the Comissioners
of the Respective Counties to award such satisfaccon to the said
Comissioners as shall be to them due from such Servants
Criminalls as shall seeme meete this Act to Continue for three
yeares or to the end of the next Generall Assembly which shall
first happen.
An Act for Limitting of accons against the Surveyor Generall
of this Prouince
Forasmuch as the businesse relateing to the office of sur-
veyor Generall of this Prouince of late yeares hath been and
now is soe great and Lyeing soe diversly scituate within the
severall Counties of this Prouince tht itt is not possible for him
to performe the same in his propper person as formerly itt hath