wch he Requested upon a vote from the Lower House touching
a State house Office & Prison to be erected of brick at the
Countreys Charge To wch Request noe Answr being yet Re-
torned in Writeing the Governr therefore hath Considered the
aforesd Peticon & doth Signifie to the Lower house tht he
makes Choyce of the Towne Land at St Maries for the aforesd
Buildings & doth desire tht the Lower house will proceed in
the Ordering & directing how it shall be Erected & this House
is readie to Joyne wth them therein
His Excelencie takeing into his serious Consideracon the
Peticon & Mediacon of the Lower house in the behalfe of Pope
Alvey doth Signifie to the Lower house tht upon their Request
& desire he doth Willinglie Condescend to graunt the sd Alveys
Peticon & tht the sd Alvey sue out his Lops pardon
The House is Adjourned till 9. of the Clock
on Munday morning
On Munday the ffirst day of June the house met
Present the Captaine Genll Mr Brookes Mr Truman & Mr
Upon notice given by this house th? they are Readie to Joyne
in a Conference touching the Indians the Lower house wth their
Speaker came in to this house & after some debate the Ques-
tion was Put to both houses Whether it be necessarie tht a
Peace be Concluded betweene the Cynicoes Indians & the
English Resolved in the Affirmative, Nemine Contradicente, &