especiallie soe Voluminous & often times are Repealed with-
out or knowledge Therefore this House desires the Lower
house to take into their serious Consideracon how unsafe it
will be for the Judges of this Province to Proceed ag Crimi-
nalls by anie such uncertaine Lawes & Therefore it is the de-
sire of this house tht the Lower house will Consider of soe
manie of the Lawes of England for the Proceedings aforesd
tht the Judges may be ascertained of such their Proceeding
Besides the Consideracon of such Lawes as may be in force
wcch if unknowne to this Province may be of dangerous Conse-
M! Hatton & Mr Bowles doe Signifie to this House the Con-
currence of the Lower house in the Preceding Vote
Ordered tht this House be Resolved into a Comittee to
Joyne wth the members appointed by the Lower house
Mr Taylor desired to Signifie to the Lower house the Con-
currence of this house wth them in their last vote for amend-
ing the Wales in Charles County & to desire the Lower house
to Prepare a bill as they shall thinke fitte
[Vo]ted by this
house] tht noe
[Rum Molasses]
[Sugar fflour]
Mlalt wheate
[B]arley, Beere]
[Cyder] Perrie or
[Qu]ince drinke
[be] Imported from
New England new
Yorke or Virgi-
nia into this
Province &
the Sd Vote sent
downe by Mr
The House is Adjourned till the Afternoone
The House met Present The Governt Baker
Brooke Esq Dr Jesse Wharton
The Honble Chancelor Enters after the Sitting of the house
The House is Adjourned till 9. of the Clock to morrow
Morning. —