Returned by Mr Dent vizt This house humblie desires his
Excelencie tht the Answr to this Pap[er delive]red to this
house by the Secretarie by Word of m[outh may] be sent to
this house in writing
Voted by the Lower house tht the Act for Proceedings] at
Law be amended & tht it Comprehend all Cases as [well]
Criminall as Civil the Lower house wholly dissenting [to] the
Bill for Proceedings in Criminall Cases & tht [upon] Amendmt
of the former Law there be a [Saving made] for the Act Con-
cerning Religion now of force [in the] Province & all other
Lawes tht are now or shall be hereafter of force in this Province
not Repugnant [to] the Lawes of England
Signed by Ordr
Robt Ridgely Clke.
Baker Brooke Esq desired to goe wth the ffollowing Message
to the Lower house vizt As to the desire of the Lower house
tht this house will give in Writing their Reasons for not Con-
curring wth them in the Vote sent in touching the Act for de-
serted Plantacons & their Request thereupon It is Conceaved
by this House tht noe Expedient can be found by his Lordship
how his Rents shall be soe effectuallie Secured as they are &
have been by this Act for deserted Plantacons & tht to Suppli-
cate his Lot to Repeale this Act wch formerlie was Procured &
Passed for the good & at the onlie Request of the People of
this Province & wch since through the Neglect & Carelesnes of
Severall Persons Concerned in Lands hath given his Lordshp
some Considerable advantage would be a greate Presumption
in the Governr & this house & be verie ill taken & Resented
by the Proprietr from his sonne this House having nothing
from the Lower house to deliver to his Lordship to Induce him
to Receave Requests of this nature This in Answr to the first
second & third Request in tht Paper
As to the fourth this house doth Conceave tht the Proclama-
con issued out in Secretarie Boughtons time was Sufficient
favour to such as made use thereof while it was in force And
tht the Governr cannot Answr the dispensing wth his Lord-
ships Condicons of Plantacon for anie Omissions of People
since tht Proclamacon expired