this house voted (Nemine Contradicente) That this House
doe Peticon his Excelencie in the behalfe of the sd Alvey to
graunt the sd Alvey his Lordships Pardon [& they] doe here-
by Peticon his Excelency accordingly
Signed by ordr
Robt Ridgely [Clerke]
This house debating upon the Exception made by the
[Lower] house to the Act Entituled An act declaring how the
Courts in this Province shall Proceed in [Criminall] Cases doe
Signifie their Opinion to the [Lower house] Concerning the
same in manner as followeth Vizt [This] house knowes of
noe Law th? determines the Procee [dings] in Criminall Cases
in this Province the Act Concern[ing the] Proceedings at Law
Relating only to Cases of Meum & Tuum & therefore Judge
it better to Sett[le] the Proceedings in Criminall Cases by this
new Law then to Leave those Cases in the doubtfull Condicon
they would stand in were they Put into the same Case the
Comon Pleas are in by the Act Concerning proceedings at
The House is Adjourned till 2. of
the Clock in the Afternoone.
The House met in the Afternoone
Present as in the morning
Captaine Burgesse & Mr Loyd sent wth the following Vote
from the Lower house vizt Upon the Looking over of the
Temporary Lawes of this Province in this House & upon read-
ing of the title of an Act for Building of a State house & Prison