Tylhmans accot was fully Satisfied or at least he allowed what
the Assembly thought fitte in full of his sd Accot & for their
further Satisfaction d]esire the Upper house to Send a mes-
senger of their [own to] this house to Acquaint them wt they
thinke fitt [to be done] in this busines Upon wch this house will
further [Consider and] Returne their Resolve to the Upper
house accordingly]
Signed by ordr
Robt Ridgeley Clerke
Ordered tht Mr Chew goe to the Lower house & Satisfie
what he knowes Concerning the sd Peticon of Richard [Tylh-
man] Voted tht Honble Chancelor & Secretary goe to the
[Lower] house to Offer the Reasons of this house Why it is
ne[cessa]rie tht the Indians should have the Land of Billingsley
Allotted them & to desire tht they would further Con[sider]
of it
The following desire & Vote of the Lower house Signified
to this house by Mr Loyd vizt The Act Prohibiting the Impor-
tacon of horses Geldings & mares &c [read] & Voted by this
house tht it be revived & tht his Excelency & the Upper house
be desired to Concurre wth them therein & tht his Excelency
would be Pleased to graunt noe more Licenses to anie Person
whatsoever for the Importacon of any horses &c. upon any
Pretence & tht his Excelency would be Pleased to Supersede
his License for th? Purpose to Cap. Hugh Oneall
Signed by ordr
Robt Ridgeley Clerke.
Voted tht this house doe Concurre wth the Lower house in the
sd Vote Provided only tht it shall be Lawfull for the Governr
to License anie of the Inhabitants in Virginia Whether sent
hither by ordr of the Governmt there or Coming upon their
own private Occasions to import their Horses into this Province
wch are to remaine here noe longer then during their Attendance
upon the sd Publick or Private Busines
Read in the Lower house the Act touching Court dayes &
Voted to be Repealed