Lay them before you & tht if we doe breake or yea yea or nay
nay in what we Testifie then Let us Suffer the same Punishmt as
they doe tht Breake their Oath or Sweare falsely [And] this
we are willing to Suffer who Professe faith in [Christ and]
would have all tht Professe the same to exercise a [Conscience]
void of Offence towards God & men Soe you may [remove
this] Opression if you Please & let us have the same liberty
[tht our Friends] and Brethren have in other Countreys &
Islands as [Wee are] Credibly Informed whose hands are
hereunto Subscribed [in the] Behalfe of or Brethren
Wenlock Chriterson Jo. Homeard
William Berrie Ri. Beard &c.
Ordered by the house That the Petition here above [be sent]
to the lower House & Offered to their Consideracon
Lower house 23. May 1674. Upon this Paper sent to this
house from the Upper house relateing to those People who in
scorne are Called Quakers Resolved tht the Paper be againe
Retorned to the Upper house & tht his Excelency & Upper
house would be Pleased by a message to this house to Satisfie
them Whether both houses have Power to alter the forme of
the Oath Provided by the Lawes of England in point of Evi-
dence between the King & his People & between the Lord
Proprietary & the People of this Province & between Subject
& Subject in matters depending within this Province or not
Signed by Ordr
Robt Ridgeley Clerke.
Upon the Resolve of the Lower house touching the Paper
sent to them relateing to the People Called Quakers It is Re-
solved by this house tht the sd Paper Remaine upon the Jour-
nail till further advice from the Rt Honble the Lord Proprietary
his Excelency declaring That his Lordship hath formerly had
Intentions of Gratifieing the desire of the sd People Called
Quakers in tht kind but hath Signified his Pleasure to him tht
all Proceedings therein be for the Present Suspended till his
Excelency shall Receave further Comands
Signed by Ordr
Ri. Boughton Clerke.
Read an Act Entituled an Act for Impaneling the Grand
Inquests the Second time Passed & Voted to be read the 3d
Captaine Burgesse sent by the Lower House wth the follow-
ing Vote vizt The Comittee being Present in the house & the
Act for deserted Plantacons being read Voted That this house